Lead has been known since ancient times with lead beads found in Turkey which date back to around 7000 BC, thought to represent to first known smelted metal artifacts, made possible by its relatively low melting point. Lead is also a fairly dense metal and when fresh is silver colored with a faint blue hue but quickly oxidizes in air to a dark grey color. It is soft, malleable, ductile, and corrosion resistant, and has the highest atomic number of any stable element, a distinction formerly ascribed to bismuth until fairly recently when bismuth was found to be very weakly radioactive. Ancient Egyptians used lead in cosmetics and writing tools (although notably modern day pencils contain graphite, not lead). The ancient Romans used lead in their water pipes, medicines, war and construction materials, currency, and in drinking vessels where the lead was known to produce a sweeter taste whereas copper/bronze vessels would impart a more bitter taste. It is thus speculated by some that the widespread use of lead in the Roman Empire may have contributed to its ultimate decline. In the latter half of the 1800s the permanent neurotoxic effects of lead were becoming more widely recognized and this otherwise very useful metal has been banned from many applications since, and will likely continue to be. Current uses still include lead acid batteries, bullets, and radiation shielding.
Inscribed on our ingots are the chemical symbol (Pb), purity (99.99%), weight (one troy ounce), and a serial number (this number is unique and will vary). On the reverse is our logo. These ingots are lightly polished similar to the one pictured. There can be edge dings, scratches and other tiny imperfections which do not detract from the inherent value of this metal. Lead is a very soft metal that can be scratched with a fingernail so additional imperfections from handling may accumulate. As always, weight and purity are guaranteed by Rare World Metals Mint. Lead in the solid form we supply is relatively safe but prolonged skin exposure can be dangerous. Lead is most toxic if ingested or inhaled especially in powder form or if burned and can produce permanent disability as well as death. Powdered lead is also pyrophoric meaning it can spontaneously combust in air. As such, please keep these ingots intact and in a safe place, do not ingest, and keep them away from children as well as your cousin Eddie along with leaded paint chips, RV sewage, and other toxic and potentially combustible substances.