About Us
We procure and sell high purity elemental metals, mostly as one troy ounce ingots. We started our company in 2013 with our sights set on offering the world's rarest metals that heretofore were unavailable to the public. Having largely accomplished this we have since shifted our focus to offering all of the metallic elements although we still shy away from the radioactive and overtly toxic ones. Our current product line includes molybdenum, tungsten, bismuth, antimony, niobium, tantalum, tellurium, indium, yttrium, erbium, germanium, hafnium, rhenium, ruthenium, lutetium, lead, osmium, scandium, samarium, zirconium, iridium, dysprosium, holmium, thulium, cobalt, aluminum, zinc, tin, iron, copper, nickel, terbium, gadolinium, ytterbium, magnesium, titanium, silver, gold, platinum, palladium, rhodium and vanadium. Whew!... and we are always looking to add more.
The opportunity to own a collection of the basic building blocks of our universe would give most anyone, especially those with a scientific mind or an entrepreneurial spirit, pause to ponder the infinite possibilities of such an erector set. Many may merely stack for possible future profit, some will collate into a physical periodic table, the astute will hit the lab in search of a cure for cancer or to unlock new green energy solutions, and a few visionaries will peer back to the beginning of time and to the origin of our universe while others will look forward to develop new technologies for future generations. Similar pursuits by the world's superpowers with the help of the brightest minds of the greatest generation during WWII and the Cold War have given us many of the nuclear, military, electronic, and aerospace technologies we depend on today, and helped round out the periodic table of the elements to its current form. No matter what your walk of life we hope you are inspired by this collection and that it gives you something new and intriguing to daydream about. Our dreams are where future realities are born.
So, whether you are an element collector looking for a labeled piece, an engineer looking for a reference standard, or an investor seeking the next rhodium rocket, we are very happy you've found us and we believe you've come to the right place. We at Rare World Metals Mint are proud to maintain and look to further expand the first of its kind product line, the likes of which this world has never seen before or had available in such a collectible and tradable form. Own what's rare!
As a footnote of sorts to the above, we wrote the following after we were asked to join the then fledgling TM2 international metals marketplace back in 2021:
We were thrilled to have been asked to join TM2. We see it as the culmination of a dream we had back in 2012 when the near- and medium-term market outlook for the traditionally defined precious metals was quite bleak. In our research to fill the void with alternative investment options in this space (and with the handy periodic table of the elements as our roadmap), we found all kinds of interesting metals that have unique physical and chemical properties and thus specific industrial applications which afford intrinsic value. Our first find and still among our favorite is rhenium which was the last stable element to be discovered (in 1925). Due to its extremely high melting point and nearly unyielding tensile strength at high temperatures, it is irreplaceable in aerospace engine components. As more of humanity’s dreams and aspirations become focused on the heavens (think SpaceX) and especially when the Space Force build-out commences we will need a whole lot more rhenium! The PGMs and REEs also have properties unique to each metal in these groups that are critical in electronic, military, green energy, chemical and electrochemical applications. These and some 30 other metals from the periodic table of the elements were discovered mostly by chemists over the past few centuries, usually on the basis of a unique chemical or physical property that stood out to their discoverer.
The specific properties of these metals have been further defined, understood, and utilized to create new industrial applications ever since. Great technological advances in chemical and materials science were ushered in by WWII and have continued after the Computer Age dawned with the development of the integrated circuit in 1959. Going forward, Quantum Computing and AI have the potential to transform mankind’s sciences with virtual labs replacing traditional ones. Revised quantum models of electron shells, nuclear particles and their still mysterious interactions may allow for the bending of traditional rules or perhaps even the rewriting of them. These technologies will push the current boundaries of human comprehension of the world around us. A world that mind bogglingly bridges the vast enormities of both the universe beyond us and the subatomic substrate that pervades us. In much the same way Albert Einstein broke through the traditional rules of Newtonian physics when he postulated the bending of light, the relativity of time, and the interconvertibility of mass and energy over 100 years ago. His discoveries set the ground work for the Nuclear and Space Ages. Where will our next quantum leap in knowledge take us?
New applications of what have since been coined the “Technology Metals” should therefore evolve even more rapidly from here. But therein lies a problem, Houston. These metals are physical commodities, and some are already exceptionally rare. In our advanced, interconnected Computer Age where worldwide communications are near instantaneous, complex algorithms are solved in nanoseconds instead of weeks or months and digital money can be created and transacted with the push of a button, the converse is true for the myriad of metals at the heart of our modern infrastructure. They will become more scarce as evolving technologies that consume them boom, and they cannot be replaced simply by pushing the “easy” button. Replacing depleted mines is not only expensive but also requires very long lead times. At some point known supplies will collapse entirely unless mining the earth’s core or asteroids becomes plausible. Additionally, many of these metals are concentrated only in a few places in the Earth’s crust, creating geopolitical risks that further restrict supply chains. The best solution for these issues in addition to proper recycling programs, is to bring the world’s suppliers of the technology metals into one marketplace which offers both price discovery and physical redemption. We have anticipated a global market for these metals since our own inception.