OsmIridium crystals - one troy ounce vial - .997 platinum group metals
Osmiridium is an alloy of osmium and iridium found in alluvial deposits scattered sparsely around the world and which often contains smaller amounts of other elements mostly from the platinum group metals (PGMs). This material occurs naturally as small, very dense, silvery metallic pieces with a hexagonal crystalline structure. Osmium is the rarest stable element in the earth's crust and is also the most dense. Its estimated average concentration in the earth's crust is 0.05 parts per billion. Osmium has unique properties that have applications in the medical and electronics industries. Iridium is also exceedingly rare with as estimated concentration in the earth's crust of 0.001 parts per million. Iridium is the most corrosion resistant metal, is the second most dense and has the second highest modulus of elasticity as well as a very high melting point. Iridium's unique properties have application in the electronics, aerospace, shipping, and chemical industries. It is estimated that 1 or 2 tonnes of osmium and 3 or 4 tonnes of iridium are produced worldwide annually (compared with about 3000 tonnes of gold and 180 tonnes of platinum). Please see the below links for more information.
Our osmiridium crystals are small and of various sizes with the largest measuring up to about 3 mm. This batch contains about 41.1% Os, 41.0% Ir, 14.6% Ru, 2.3% Pt, 0.7% Rh, and 0.3% Fe for a total purity of platinum group metals of about 99.7%. These osmiridium crystals will come packaged in a sealed, tamper evident, laser etched vial which is inscribed with the chemical symbol (OsIr), weight (one troy ounce), and a serial number (this number is unique and will vary). There is also a paper label affixed to the vial containing some of this same information. The powder form of osmium can be dangerous given the high toxicity of its oxidized state, osmium tetroxide. The crystalline form osmiridium that we sell is considered safe. As we suggest with all of our metals, please keep them stored in a safe place, do not ingest them, and keep them away from children.