1964 Kennedy Half Dollar (average condition) - 0.3575 troy ounces - .900 bullion
Meaning "shining" or "white", named argentum in Latin from which the chemical symbol Ag is derived, and known since ancient times having even been mentioned in the Book of Genesis, silver has been a prized and highly sought after precious metal throughout human history. It has been used as money as early as 700 B.C. when electrum (a silver and gold alloy) was first coined by the Lydians. The Greek and later Roman empires also coined silver money as early as the 4th century B.C. Silver has been an indomitable staple of world currencies from those ancient times until relatively recently when the gold standard was abandoned and fiat currencies prevailed. It is also an indispensable industrial metal. It is a soft, malleable, lustrous elemental metal that also possesses the highest electrical conductivity, the highest thermal conductivity and the highest reflectivity of any metal. These unique properties make it almost irreplaceable in a myriad of industrial processes and commercial applications including photography, X-rays, electronics, telescopic mirrors, solar energy panels and windows, water purification systems and as a chemical catalyst. It has strong disinfectant properties which are becoming more utilized in medicine to control and prevent infections in an age of devastating nosocomial superbugs.
Called Constitutional Silver, these Kennedy Half Dollars are 90% silver (each containing 0.36169 troy ounces of silver when uncirculated) as specified by the U.S. Constitution along with gold to be the legal tender of our country. First issued in 1964 to commemorate the 35th President of the United States, about 2 months after his assassination, this was the only year the Kennedy Half Dollars minted for general circulation were composed of 90% silver. These Kennedy Half Dollars are in average circulated condition and all are dated 1964. Relative to the silver half dollars that came before it such as the Barbers, Walkers, and Franklins, the Kennedy Half Dollars are generally in better shape as by 1965 all of the US coinage went clad with the exception of the Kennedy Half Dollars which were composed of 40% silver from 1965 through 1970 and were clad after 1970. Thus, these 90% silver Kennedys were hoarded early on by the astute (adding credence to Gresham's Law) and are in general only lightly circulated. Your purchased 1964 Kennedy Half Dollar will be in average circulated condition and will come in one of our RWMM logo coin flips. This last version of our Constitutional Silver is already over 60 years old. We expect it will continue to retain its original purchasing power as our forefathers intended. Own what's rare!
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